Earlier this year, AvISO Consultancy took part in a combined webinar with NQA where our director, Paul Stevens, spoke about ways to Keep Your Management System Simple. In this series of blogs, we will share areas covered during the webinar and a series of slides from the presentation.
Paul has over fifteen years’ experience working with multiple Management Systems in a variety of industry types. In this time, he has built relationships with universities, accredited certification bodies and many companies to develop a comprehensive understanding of these subjects. Paul also has recognised teacher status at Cranfield University, where for the past ten years, he has been a visiting lecturer, speaking on ISO Standards to masters and PhD students.

During the presentation, Paul shared his thoughts and opinions on Management Systems, focusing on simplicity, value, and reducing potential problems. Having a ‘simple management system’ is not easy and simple does not mean cutting corners.
Throughout this series of blogs, we will be exploring the below areas;

The Challenges
Rather than working through the clauses of some of the more common standards, we are instead looking at things from a different angle. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing blogs looking into the below areas in more detail.
Focus & Honesty -focusing on what is key to your organisation, be honest about what you document.
Duplication & Centralisation of a Management System - use your Management System as a signpost to all the great things you are doing across your business. Too often, we see Management Systems that do not reference some of the great work being achieved by people within the company.
Complexity & Language – do not use overly complex templated generic documentation. Only use text and language you are comfortable with.
Availability - make the most of what you have available.
Lessons Learnt – what are some of the key nonconformities, and how do we learn from our client audits.
System Maturity - looking beyond initial certification.
Our Top Tip - keeping it simple, gets more from the Standard and helps audits run smoothly and add actual value to your business.
Our next blog in this series will be looking at Focus & Honesty. Please follow us on LinkedIn to know when this is published.
Can't wait for the next blog? Follow this link to watch the entire webinar Keeping Your Management System Simple -YouTube
Would you like to find out more about how we can help you gain certification to ISO Standards or with Software, Training or Consultancy solutions? Don't hesitate to contact us for a no-obligation chat, and one of our team will be more than happy to discuss this and our flexible pricing options with you.